About me

Leder en nationellt workshop om museer online i Visby 2008 Presenterar IdeK-labbet på ett inspirationsseminarium om digital kommunikation på Nordiska museet i Stockholm 2011 Firar varumärkesarbetet på Congrex, Stockholm 2010

1. Facilitating a national workshop on the topic of museums online, Visby 2008
2. Presenting the IDEK lab’s inspirational seminar on digital communication at The Nordic Museum, Stockholm 2011
3. Celebrating the launch of the new corporate branding strategy at Congrex, Stockholm 2010

Designing cleverly

Textile Designer with education acquired at University of Borås, Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary och Nyckelviksskolan at Lidingö.

Comfortable throughout the entire production chain; from briefing, specification, contact with production and printing to the final distribution channels.
Graphic design of print, digital media, trade fairs and exhibitions.
Created image management policies and have experience in images editing.
Created visual profiles for organisations, companies, conferences and events.

Internationally saturated

My career is infused with the international environments I lived in, which I find both stimulating and comfortable considering I grew up in southern France. I’ve worked in international environments responsible for internal and external communication, both operationally and strategically. And I have, on freelance basis in North America, written about design and exhibition methods.

linkedin marika jonson